The Tragedy in Connecticut and our Responsibility to Work

The Tragedy in Connecticut and our Responsibility to Work

We usually keep current events separate from our work, that is, events running on linear time from those of our work which are eternal. And the relativity of events – I saw yesterday that a thousand people were murdered in the Congo last week and it is not mentioned in the news – is good to keep in mind.

Never the less, the shootings in Connecticut hit home for many of us, for many reasons. How can we work with such a wrenching event.

We all have an animal and an angelic nature within, as does society as a whole. The shock of the news can remind us of our human and humane side, the part of us that is empathetic and compassionate, our inner life. Being positive about humanity is difficult during these times, but it is what our work consists of.

No matter what is taking place, there needs to be people who can separate from the daily news, and put out positive energy, healing energy for the future and for humanity as a whole. This is our work. Not to be consumed by external events, retain our presence, increase our presence, stay grounded and attempt as best we can to put out affirming energy amidst the negative.

This may seem a tall order, but it is what we are here to do. If there were a critical mass of folks working on themselves as described, things would change, society would be transformed. That may not be the case, but our work is to be positive for the future, so a future of Love and Compassion is in potential. Let us send from our presence, positive healing energy to all beings, to all who suffer and to the future of life on our planet.

Jerry Toporovsky  December 16th, 2012