Working with Anxiety

Our theme is working with our anxiety, a major leak of energy and source of identification.

The source of anxiety is fear, which is a natural reaction triggered by danger. After the danger is past, so should the fear response. When fear spreads out into a general condition, it becomes anxiety.

This is all rooted in the body, which has a natural way of dealing with it, as it does with every feeling. The challenge is to bring this under control. Otherwise, anxiety becomes ingrained. The anxious person begins to be afraid of being afraid.

The body knows how to get out of fear, a knowledge it has possessed for millions of years. So why don’t we let it? If we always let our emotions and thoughts rule, our bodies won’t remember to calm down.

When we suffer from anxiety we bypass our bodies and get trapped in panicky thoughts.

We need to get out of our thoughts and back into our bodies. Stay in touch with your body, don’t allow the mind to rule. The body can clear away our anxiety, worry, nervousness and relax, returning to its normal state of balance.

We feel our body; The sensations may not be nice; Cold, contracted, stiff, even trembling. See impartially what is going on in your body, relax the body deeply.

This is unusual for anxious people, who have been sending mental signals of distress, vigilance, tenseness or worried anticipation for years. ‘The disease of tomorrow.’ But, it isn’t hard to do. Your body can be retrained.

Calm the body into its natural state of relaxation. Have patience with your body. Once you train it to let go of negative energies, it will willingly cooperate.

Two other suggestions made last evening:

Watch unnecessary movement and talking.

Don’t eat between meals.

There is something in us that draws us to a finer world—not dependent on us

‘Be grateful for everything and everyone, even those who are foolish and negative.’