Gurdjieff-Bennett 3-Week Intensive


Opening to Compassionate Presence
August 1st – 21st 2014
Claymont Court, West Virginia
Jerry Toporovsky   Walter Goodwin

The Aim of this three week Intensive is to provide individuals with an immersive experience of the Work. It is difficult in ordinary life to go deep, to reach penetrating rooted levels of our inner life. This requires frequency, duration and intensity that will be provided by the intensive. Our aim is to get beyond the Do-Re-Mi of our personal work.

The first week will be mostly in silence, concentrating on Mind-fullness work, movements and practical work. After that we will begin daily themes, classes in art and creativity, in-depth psychology, history, and a survey of spiritual exercises and techniques that will include methods and approaches from many traditions, but concentrating on the Fourth Way.

Our work will attempt to understand the sources of the self in order to develop the tools within to help us cope with and transform the future. We will work on cultivating an attention that allows us to resist surrounding influences and that can connect us to an energy that can aim our entire being to the higher. It is time to seriously deepen our inner work.

We will work deeply with silence and mindfulness, the extraordinary work of of Mr Gurdjieff and JG Bennett, the Sufi concept of Fana, and the tools and insights from many traditions and ways of Being. We will explore history, psychology and creativity from the standpoint of Soul.

We hope this three week event will jump start a new ‘octave’ in our life and work and that the reality of Compassion will be felt in our lives. That is the aim.

The tuition for the three week event is $1545, which includes virtually everything.
The tuition is $1400 if paid in full by April 1.
The price for child care per child is $285 for the event.

If you are interested in applying or in obtaining more information, please contact the registrar:

summer intensive 2014 flyer