Are we able to listen to the deep part of ourselves. Are we able to open to it, even for a bit. Without either false imagination or spirit world meanderings.
Our consistent inner talking and emotional wanderings take us away from our inner and higher self. The inner talking is nonstop and incessant. We allow this inner talking to be who we are. In the saying that ‘intolerance is pride’, some of our inner talking is about, ‘I know best’, ‘I know how to improve that, or that person’, being worried about the others ego and behavior. On and on and on. We are often cursing a moment rather than blessing it or having gratitude.
How can we listen when our inner talking is all about opinions, judgments, how ‘that is not as good as it should be’, that keep us away from our inner self. One of our aims is to see directly without thoughts, comments and opinions.
Can we be quiet enough to enter our inner refuge. We don’t do this by trying to stop our thoughts.
“Our spiritual life depends upon knowing that we are both consciousness itself and wholly flawed and human—our practice is to learn to love both.” Again, we do have to develop a real inner life that is substantial, that we can contact. And we have to stop the stupid negativity towards our personality and how we are. And the inner talking about it.
Then ideally when alone, silent, as empty as we can be, we open and listen to our inner self, a higher intelligence within, a deep acceptance of both who we are and our higher part.