Leaking Energy

We spent the entire meeting last evening speaking about our Morning Exercise. Many of the observations had the quality of sincerity that allowed for deeper conversation.
Our Work is about plugging and stopping our automatic leaks of energy and opening and allowing higher energies in. Our Theme is seeing our leaks of energy. What is my major leak of energy, what are the two or three ways I leak energy the most during the course of the day.
Speaking in general these may fall into negativity, imagination and daydreaming or habitual patterns of behavior and stress.
What occupies my thoughts during the day!
First I need to be sincere and see what my major leaks of energy are.
Second, can I see these impartially.
Finally, over time a leak becoming a reminder to awake, to be present to myself.
Be sincere and genuine with yourself. Whether it is inner considering, stress, food, fear, imagination, envy, judgment, pride – See your leaks, work with them and make note of how it effects your energy and work.